Refinca UG (haftungsbeschränkt) التطبيقات

Crypto Currency Converter 1.8.0
The currency converter with live data from more than 5000 cryptocurrencies and over 40 fiats. 💶 Currency converter: The mainfunction of this app. Convert crypto currencies into each other orinto "analog" exchanges. The converter can also show you exchangerates between to non-cryptocurrencies. 💸 Performance Monitor: Listsall the exchange rates of your favorite cryptocurrenices. This wayyou are always aware of any changes. 💙 Favorites function: None ofus can oversee all available currencies in the world. So just pickout the ones you are intersted in. ✅ Amongst other currencies, thisapp supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, and Ripple. 🇪🇺 Refinca is aEuropean start-up. 📝 We would like to learn from your experiences.So please share any thoughts, remarks, or really anything elseabout our app with us by simply mailing us to💻 Learn more:
DoDay: Your To Do List 2.5.1
For planning your tasks. For spontaneous To Dos. For you.